栄養化学分野 タイトル Last update
Our goal: the lab of Nutrition Chemistry.
Deciphering the mechanisms that control eating behavior

 We are working on completely elucidating the mechanisms that control eating behavior. To achieve the goal, we incorporate various techniques used in biological sciences, such as neuroscience, endocrinology, molecular biology, genetics.

Lab's Motto
Making the impossible possible through challenge.

Our research philosophy
  • We work on elucidating novel "mechanisms" by ourselves, and apply our them for developing original solutions.
  • We aim to generate original results by planting new seeds (elucidating the unknowns), not by exploiting what is already known.
For potential foreign applicants
The entrance to my lab for a graduate degree (master or doctor) is highly competitive. Therefore, the lab DOES NOT accept any foreign research student.
Only the applicants who are competitive enough as domestic students (Kyoto University attracts best students in Japan) are welcome to apply for the graduate study.
To prove his/her ability, foreign applicants are asked to win MEXT scholarship (Japanese Government scholorship)

Tsutomu Sasaki, MD/PhD
Professor, the Laboratory of Nutrition Chemistry

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